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Top tips to look after your teeth

Correct oral hygiene technique and regular visit to the dentist can help you to main healthy teeth and gum.

Here are some of the tips that can help you to maintain a healthy teeth and gum.

1. Brush your teeth at least twice a day – Always remember the best time to brush your teeth is after every meals.

Choose smaller head toothbrush so you can have better access to your back teeth, also remember it is important to massage your gums regularly.

2. Use fluoridated toothpaste – Fluoride helps to harden tooth enamel and reduces your risks of decay.

3. Use toothbrush and brush your teeth for at least 2 to 3 minutes.

4. Limit your sugary food – bacteria in dental plaque change sugars into acid, try to brush your teeth using toothbrush everytime after you have sugary food.

5. Use floss – it is important to use floss daily to make sure your gum is clean.

6. Regular dental check up – come to Pymble family dentist to have regular dental check ups.

tooth brush

1. For most people, a soft-bristled toothbrush is the safest and most comfortable choice. Medium- and hard-bristled brushes could actually damage the gums, root surface, and protective tooth enamel.
2. Dentists say your toothbrush should have a small head to allow it to reach all the corners of your mouth. The handle may be bright and colorful, but make sure it is also long and fits easily in your hand, like a fork.
3. Nylon bristles are softer than natural ones, so choose nylon over natural when buying a toothbrush.
4. Dentists recommend that brushing should last at least two minutes. Three is even better. (Most people fall way short of this duration.)
5. Research shows that though a single toothbrush can be loaded with as many as 10 million germs and bacteria, most of these are not dangerous. That’s because toothpaste has a built-in anti-germ component, and the microbes need moisture to survive. Make sure you let the toothbrush dry after every use, or you might just be putting old bacteria back into your mouth each time you brush. Yikes!
6. To keep your toothbrush clean, you can soak it in alcohol or mouthwash. Another option is to dip it in boiling water for about 10 seconds.
7. Change your toothbrush… after every three months, or sooner if the bristles are frayed. Research shows that a new toothbrush can remove more plaque than one that’s worn out.
8. If you’ve just recovered from a bout of cold or viral fever, replace your toothbrush.  Viruses that cause colds, flu, and fever blisters can survive for many days on toothbrushes.
9. Most toothbrushes are stored in the bathroom. Make sure yours isn’t sitting too close to the toilet bowl. Flushing can toss bacteria up in the air, and they could land on that brush…
10. Time for your old toothbrush to be put away? Why not use it to clean hard-to-reach crevices and crannies in your home? I find them very handy for clothing stains, cleaning small trinkets, and scrubbing away the rings around the kitchen sink drain.

Contact Details

67 Grandview Street Pymble NSW 2073

Fax: 02 9983 9766


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Monday 9am-5pm
Tuesday 9am-5pm
Wednesday 9am-5pm
Thursday 9am-7.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm
Saturday 9am-5pm
Sunday Closed